This is our B moment. Our moment to be still…to be fed by the Word of God…to be grateful.
Scripture reference: 2 Timothy 4:7 (ESV)
Today I am thinking about how we should avoid being thrown off our game. Sometimes I can avoid being thrown off my game in the moment as an incident is happening. Afterwards, however, I can suffer shock that consumes my energy for some time in the future.
When I look to the Scriptures, I look to Nehemiah. How did he handle the people who tried to distract him?
Nehemiah was tasked with restoring about two miles of Jerusalem’s broken walls. His distractors did now show up at the beginning of his tasks but towards the end as he was focused and fiercely involved in this mission from God. They came right for him.
Nehemiah displayed a beautiful example of utilizing his energy for God’s purposes and not for others. His distractors used several tactics. They set up meaningless meetings for him. Nehemiah did not show. They tried intimidation. Nehemiah did not pay attention.
Nehemiah dismissed them. And he did not become consumed by being upset at what they were doing. If there was a telephone back then, he was not picking it up to call ten of his friends to say “Look at what these people are doing to me!” No, he was not. His energy was totally focused on his task from God.
I always think of Nehemiah when I am trying to avoid distraction. The Words that I will use to keep me from being thrown off my game are, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7 (ESV)
Please share this reflection with others so that they may also be inspired.
So today, remain steadfast and avoid being thrown off your game.
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