This is our B moment. Our moment to be still…to be fed by the Word of God…to be grateful.
Scripture reference: Romans 12:2 (ESV)
Today I am thinking about what it means to stay in the center of God’s Will. Recently I heard a woman being interviewed about her experience with mentoring kids. She has started an afterschool program for kids who live in some of Chicago’s most at-risk neighborhoods.
As she was explaining her work, the interviewer asked her, “Given Chicago’s crime rate, aren’t you afraid sometimes to go into these neighborhoods?” Her response caught my attention: “I know deep in my heart that God has called me to this work. This is God’s Will for my life and as long as I stay in the center of His will, I feel safe. I feel that sense of protection.”
That prompted me to think about, once again, our recent presidential election—the national dialogue and certainly a conversation that’s going on within me—and how so many might feel so unsafe and unsure about the future.
Her words reminded me that she is obviously living in this world, but she’s not necessarily of it. And so the words I will use to inspire me are, “Do not be conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind.” Romans 12:2 (ESV)
Share this reflection because others desire to be inspired.
So today, allow your mind and heart to be transformed by staying in the center of God’s Will for your life.
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