This is our B moment. Our moment to be still…to be fed by the Word of God…to be grateful.
Scripture reference: 1 Chronicles 18:6 (NLT); Psalm 9:1 (NIV)
Today, I am reminding myself to be grateful for the small victories, too.
Lately I have been talking at length about great achievements and achieving great victories under imperfect conditions. In fact, I sometimes get completely wrapped up in thinking about miraculous victories and the monumental struggles it takes to achieve them.
For example, I usually take the time every few months–and especially at the beginning of the year–to set very high goals for myself and for my work. However, when I do that, I’m sometimes so focused on the major achievements that I lose sight of the smaller victories.
When I look to the scriptures for guidance, I often observe how David handled these situations. David had a very close relationship with the Lord and gave thanks to him when he endured great battles, when he experienced remarkable victories, and every time in between. In short, David stayed in a constant state of gratitude for both the tiny and the tremendous triumphs, which ushered in great things for him.
In fact, 1 Chronicles 18:6 says, “The Lord made David victorious wherever he went.” 1 Chronicles 18:6 (NLT)
David’s story teaches us that being in a state of gratitude can usher in those great victories as long as we make sure to appreciate the small triumphs that are right before us.
The words that I use to inspire me are, “I will give thanks to you, Lord…I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” Psalm 9:1 (NIV)
Please share this reflection as others desire to be inspired.
So today, usher in your great victories by giving thanks for the smaller ones.
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