This is our B moment. Our moment to be still…to be fed by the Word of God…to be grateful.
Scripture reference: Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
Today, I am embracing the big picture of my life instead of sweating the small stuff.
There are times when I feel as though I am falling short, and I get in a pattern of chiding myself. This especially happens in the summertime.
In the summertime, I tend to miss church a little more often—sometimes not even for good reason. For instance, the weather might be gorgeous, drawing me outside instead of to church.
I also travel more in the summertime. So many times, I feel as though I’ve fallen short during the summer months because I’ve fallen off my routine.
However, the first thing I had to teach myself when I noticed my feelings of falling short, was that my routine won’t save me.
The second thing I had to do was to show myself that God sees the big picture of who I am. He’s not caught up in any of this day to day small stuff like I am. He sees my worth as I am all the time, not just during a few lapses in the summer.
When I turn to the Scriptures, I think of Peter. In fact, whenever I think of someone who has spiritually evolved, I think of Peter.
As we know, Peter denied Christ. Yet in the later years, his spirituality evolved so much that sick people would bring their mats out into the streets in the hope that Peter’s shadow might fall on them.
Think about that. They valued even the power in his shadow.
When Peter made mistakes, God knew there was a larger plan for Peter’s life. Just as He knew that for Peter’s life, He knows that for our lives, too.
Let us cling to these words: “For I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and not to harm you.” Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
Please share this reflection as others desire to be inspired.
So today, embrace the big picture of your life.
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