This is our B moment. Our moment to be still…to be fed by the Word of God…to be grateful.
Scripture reference: Luke 14:11 (ESV)
Today I am thinking about what’s possible when we express humility.
Recently we talked about how Jesus was both bold as a lion and meek as a lamb. When Jesus saw that the temple had become like a marketplace rather than a place of worship, he became bold as a lion and chased the people out. Yet when he chose to wash his disciples’ feet, he was as gentle as a lamb. He was showing us that there is power in humility.
Initially when he moved to wash the disciples’ feet, Peter was confused. He said, “Lord you will never wash my feet!” Yet Jesus told him, “If I don’t wash you, you won’t belong to me.” Peter quickly responded, “Well then, Lord, wash my hands and my head as well!”
What’s interesting is that shortly after Jesus washed Peter’s feet, Peter would deny him. Jesus, of course, already knew this, yet he still chose to show him the love, compassion, and gentleness of a lamb. Ultimately, Jesus knew the man of God that Peter would become.
Who has God assigned to you, even if only for a season? Could you express a little more love, compassion, and humility toward them? As you think about that person, hold onto these words: “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 14:11 (ESV)
Watch B Moments every Wednesday on our Blues to Blessings YouTube channel.
So today, be humble.
Think you for that passage. I must show humility to someone that is close to me. I have allowed their actions, disposition to affect me. I must never allow someone to change who I am. After reading the scripture it helps me to stay on tract, continue to be whose I am , and allow God to continue to have his light and blessings guide me. Thank you Suzette.
Thank you Dell! I’ve had to learn my own lessons about humility too. It’s always toughest when we have to demonstrate this to someone to whom we may be at odds with, but this is when it pleases Him most.