This is our B moment. Our moment to be still…to be fed by the Word of God…to be grateful.
Scripture reference: Luke 1:37 (ESV)
Today I want you to know what’s possible when the experts tell you it’s impossible.
On Saturday May 25th, the Blues to Blessings website was hacked into, which prevented us from sending B Moments for the last several days. I called the hosting company and was told the devastating news: “Your site has been corrupted and all content has been lost. The last backup failed.”
This would mean four years of content lost, an end to B Moments, and an enormous task of starting over by building a new site. I just couldn’t comprehend this. I called the hosting company two more times and each technical expert gave me the same horrible news.
At that point, I got into my car to go to a meeting, and I had tears streaming down my face. Before the meeting, I looked at the two ladies I was meeting with and I said, “I need prayer.” One lady held my hand so tight and prayed with me like she was praying for herself.
After our meeting, I got in my car and I prayed once again, asking for God’s divine intervention. Then I took my chances and called the hosting company one more time, and I was transferred to John.
John confirmed what the two experts had already said, and then, suddenly, John saw something they hadn’t. A ZIP file that contained the files for the website. Within an hour, the Blues to Blessings website was restored, now a heavily secured and backed-up site.
When the experts tell you something is impossible, go in prayer to your heavenly Father who has dominion over the impossible and hold onto these words: “For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37 (ESV)
Share today’s message and watch B Moments every Wednesday on the Blues to Blessings YouTube channel.
So today, believe in the power of prayer.
I can’t imagine there being even one, that wouldn’t benefit from this reminder/lesson. “Do everything you can and then back it up…with prayer.’
That’s it Gee! And we can’t even begin to underestimate the power of prayer.
I saw a posting on FB today that stated
God is the Best Doctor and Prayer is still the
Best Medicine
Yes, it really works all the time. Regina, you should have seen me in the car praying…I had to pull over on the side of the road. And, it’s such an intimate feeling to know that He really is listening. Thanks so much for sharing.
But GOD!
Tina –
You are SO right! It was Him and only Him. Thanks for sharing.
I missed the B Moments for a few days. I am thankful, along with you, that the “real expert” took charge.