This is our B moment. Our moment to be still…to be fed by the Word of God…to be grateful.
Scripture reference: Hebrews 13:6 (ESV)
Today I am thinking about all the ways I get in my own way. Sometimes, I push for a goal, dreaming and plotting and planning, but too often I stay just circling around the execution of achieving the goals, trapped in procrastination. I end up living inside the fantasy of how things will be. The short term payoff is that I really don’t have to take responsibility if it all doesn’t happen.
One example that comes up for me, is when I was writing my spiritual memoir, Blues to Blessings. In this book, I really do let my hair down. There’s one chapter in particular where I feel I am most vulnerable. I just kept circling around writing this chapter. I outlined the chapter. I went back and rewrote the previous chapter. I stopped writing altogether and started a marketing plan. Then I started fantasizing about being a New York Times bestseller. One day my husband walked in and said “Honey, it’s like you’re wearing a shiny baseball suit, but you’re still in the batter’s cage. You gotta step out and step into the batter’s box.” Shortly thereafter, I wrote that chapter. It is by far one of the best chapters of the book. It is what I use today as my promo chapter.
What I’ve learned from this experience is that I gain more confidence with more actions that I take. I’m also reminded that when I step into the batter’s box, I’m not stepping into it alone. The Words that are comforting me this morning are “The Lord is my helper, I will not fear.” Hebrews 13:6 (ESV)
Tomorrow, let’s talk about when the time is right. Please share this reflection with someone you know who needs that confidence to step forward or who you feel led to minister to today.
Today, let’s step out of the batter’s cage and into the batter’s box, knowing we are not alone.
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