Scripture reference: Luke 15:20 (ESV)
No matter where you are on your life’s path, His embrace is always there.
Here’s what your Heavenly Father is saying to you in Isaiah 43:2-5 (MSG):
“2 When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you. When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down. When you’re between a rock and a hard place, it won’t be a dead end – 3 Because I am God, your personal God…I paid a huge price for you…4 That’s how much you mean to me! That’s how much I love you! I’d sell off the whole world to get you back, trade the creation just for you. 5 “So don’t be afraid: I’m with you.”
The first time I read this passage, it lifted me so much that I felt like jumping as high as I could.
This scripture also reminds me of the prodigal son. In this parable, the son runs away from his father’s house and squanders his inheritance. When he runs out of money, and things get bad for him, he decides to return home.
When he returns to his father’s home, his Father is eager to embrace him.
In fact, the scriptures say – “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.” Luke 15:20 (ESV)
So, I’ll say again; no matter where you are on your life’s path, God is embracing you.
This has been your B Moment. Your moment to be still…to be fed by the Word of God…to be grateful.
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So today, God is embracing you.
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