This is our B moment. Our moment to be still…to be fed by the Word of God…to be grateful.
Scripture reference: John 11:33 (ESV)
Today, I am thinking about how to comfort the grieving. Loss on any level can cause grieving, but it is that sudden loss…that tragic loss that can foster in an unbearable sense of pain.
When you see a loved one experiencing this, your first thought may be, “How can I comfort them?” Typically, my first inclination would be to remind the person that they were not alone, and to send them a Scripture. I have learned that while my intentions were in the right place, my actions did not always create the level of comfort that I hoped it would.
First, I had to understand that grieving is a process, and the first stage of this process may involve feelings of anger or a sense of bewilderment as the person may feel like – “Why did this have to happen to me?” This is why the first attempt to extend comfort may be appreciated, but not well received.
At this point, I turn to the Scriptures to learn how Jesus comforted the grieving. I recall the story of Lazarus and how Jesus responded to his grieving sister Mary who was weeping over her brother’s death. We see that Jesus is not only there for Mary, but he is there with Mary.
This is an important distinction for me, because it was always important for me to show someone grieving that I was there for them. However, Jesus shows us the importance of being with the person as He was with Mary.
This may mean being tolerant during an angry outburst, or giving them space if they request it. Or, it might just be meeting them exactly where they are with love and compassion.
The Words on my heart are, “When Jesus saw her weeping, he was deeply moved in his spirit. He also wept.” John 11:33
Tomorrow, let’s talk about treasured time. Please share this reflection with others, with compassion and grace.
If you know someone grieving today, beyond being there for them, be there with them, in the spirit.
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