Scripture reference: Colossians 1:10 (ESV)
Today I want you to ask yourself if your seed is producing a harvest?
One of my favorite parables is the parable of the sower. The sower, of course, is Jesus and the seed represents the word of God.
As this farmer planted seeds, some fell on the hard footpath, which means that the enemy may snatch the understanding of God’s word before a person’s heart can even embrace it. Some seeds also fell on the shallow part of the soil, which means some hear God’s word but struggle to act on it with any depth.
Other seeds fell on the thorny ground, where God’s word is soon crowded out by the other cares of this life. Finally, some seeds fell on good soil, which represents those who embrace the word and produce a huge harvest from it.
As you are one of God’s chosen who has regular access to His word, are you producing a harvest? As you reflect on that, remember these words: “…walk in a manner worthy of the Lord…bearing fruit in every good work…” Colossians 1:10 (ESV)
This has been your B Moment. Your moment to be still…to be fed by the Word of God…to be grateful.
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So today, produce a harvest.
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