There will be times when you find yourself in a difficult place. During these times, you may start out believing in God’s power to alter the conclusion of your situation, yet you may not do a good job of managing your energy and emotions in the interim. In short, you may find yourself seeking God first, but losing steam along the way.
Here are 4 powerful ways to renew your spiritual energy this Lenten season:
- “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (KJV). We can agree that life isn’t fair. However, when we hold on too tightly, trying everything in our power to create our desired outcome, we may end up using our energy unnecessarily. In short, what will be, will be. The unrelenting focus to yield a certain outcome tires us and keeps us from being fully engaged in the moment. When we do this, we forego the opportunity to grow and evolve spiritually.
- Shift your thoughts from your problem to your problem-solver. You cannot focus on both in a singular moment. Each time the problem creeps into your head, replace it with your knowledge of the power and greatness of the God you serve. When you choose to focus on God’s awesomeness, it will comfort you by lifting the emotional toll that comes with fretting over your current circumstances. It also fortifies you to deal with an unexpected curve ball. In due time, your internal anguish will begin to dissipate, your confidence will be strengthened, and your spiritual energy will return.
- Allow your prayers to be more praise-centered than problem-centered. When you are faced with enduring one of life’s trials, it is a natural desire to petition God for relief and restoration. I know about this firsthand as I would often petition God as if He were deaf. However, what I have learned from my personal experience is that if I start my prayers by worshiping and praising God for who He is, I am on a spiritual high by the time I get around to petitioning Him about my problems. King David was a master at praising God and giving Him thanks before asking for God’s grace and mercy. Take a leaf out of King David’s book and increase both your spiritual energy and feelings of fulfillment by singing God’s praises.
- Use caution when identifying your problems. Sometimes what appears to be a problem is not one. Here’s an excerpt from my book, Blues to Blessings: from Fearful to Faithful, on how I define this:
“I am reminded of the recent passage that I read about Lazarus’ death. This passage reinforces two key points for me. First, that things are timed perfectly even when they do not feel like they are. Second, sometimes what appears to be a problem (in this instance Lazarus’ death) is actually serving a higher purpose.
When Lazarus died and was buried for four days, those who knew about his death thought it was the end for Lazarus. The general assumption was that Jesus did not arrive in sufficient time to save him. However, Martha’s astounding faith enabled her to see matters differently, “…Lord, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask.” John 11:21-22 (NLT)
This simply amazes me, because death was seen as the ultimate end during this time. No one up until this point had ever been brought back from the dead. The word spread throughout the town of Bethany, and beyond that Lazarus had been brought back to life by Jesus after being buried for four days. Jesus had to let Lazarus die to further show the people that He is the Son of God. Lazarus’ death was for the glory (or purpose) of God.
This Lent Season, turn your blues to blessings and renew your spiritual energy by choosing to trust God’s will rather than expecting Him to accommodate yours.
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
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