This is our B moment. Our moment to be still…to be fed by the Word of God…to be grateful.
Scripture reference: Habakkuk 2:3 (ESV)
Today, I am thinking about when it seems all is lost.
When I turn on the news these days, it feels as though we are living in political turmoil. For comfort, I turn to the book of Habakkuk, the prophet who also felt as though he was living in a day of political turmoil. It was this turmoil, and the fact that Habakkuk thought that his prayers weren’t being answered, that caused him to engage in a pretty dramatic dialogue with God.
The book opens with Habakkuk’s complaint. In verse 1 he says, “Oh Lord, how long shall I cry for help and you will not hear?…why do you idly look at wrong?” Habakkuk 1:2-3 (ESV). He also believed that God was allowing sin to go unpunished and that God’s inactivity had caused the injustices of the day to become even worse.
However, in the second part of chapter 1, starting at verse 5, God answers Habakkuk. He inspires him with the idea that He has already begun to answer Habakkuk’s prayers. In fact, in verse 5 God tells him, “For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told.” Habakkuk 1:5 (ESV)
Sometimes we can be surrounded by political turmoil, or even personal turmoil, and wonder how much more has to happen before God takes action. Be inspired today that He is already acting. As you do so, remember these words: “For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” Habakkuk 2:3 (ESV)
Please share this reflection as others desire to be inspired.
So today, know that all is not lost.
My Dearest Suzette,
Your mind, spirit, kindness, and spirituality, is truly a gift from God Suzette, and you possess what Howard Gardner, a psychologist at Harvard university, puts forth in his theory of multiple intelligencies, who believes that some individuals are so rare and special, that an IQ test is simply “too limited to reveal the depths of every kind of brilliance, be it mathematical, verbal, spatial, musical, visual, or even emotional. In Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, he reaches beyond the traditional measurement of intelligence to establish specific areas of exceptional aptitude. Gardner is referencing you Suzette. When I read your words, I am often brought to tears, because they resonate with me in such a deep manner that is simply too emotional for me not to cry. To go on, I recently came across some deep reading material, of which I would like to share with you. Howard Gardner lists his theory of eight multiple intelligencies, and they are as follows: 1,Intrapersonal, (understanding yourself, what you feel, and what you want), 2, Linguistic, (a matter of spoken and written language), 3, Bodily-Kinesthetic, (using one’s body in highly differentiated and skilled ways), 4, Interpersonal, (communicating and reading people), 5, Logical – Reasoning, (skilled at deductive reasoning, detecting patterns, and logical thinking.) 6, Musical, (capacity to recognize, create, reproduce, and reflect on music) 7, Spatial, (seeing and mapping the world in 3D.) 8, Naturalist, (understanding nature and organic processes.)
Suzette, my daughter-in-spirit, I see in you bits and pieces of every one of Gardner’s points of view. I have known you for many years, and each year I value you even more than I love you, for your deep genius as a friend, your ability to sometimes see the sun on the horizon, when the sky is very dark, who has had to overcome many personal obstacles, and I know many of those mountains that you have had to climb because, on many days and nights, since the first time that I laid my eyes on you coming out of the airport, you would call me seeking nothing more than a shoulder to cry on. From the beginning, I could feel that I had found a friend. Insofar as I did not directly communicate with you on September 19, 2018, your birthday, please see this message as to how valuable you have been to Tullualah, Nakia, Amanda, and myself. A belated happy birthday, my daughter-in-spirit.
Bill Pickens
My Dearest Suzette,
Your mind, spirit, kindness, and spirituality, is truly a gift from God Suzette, and you possess what Howard Gardner, a psychologist at Harvard university, puts forth in his theory of multiple intelligencies, who believes that some individuals are so rare and special, that an IQ test is simply “too limited to reveal the depths of every kind of brilliance, be it mathematical, verbal, spatial, musical, visual, or even emotional. In Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, he reaches beyond the traditional measurement of intelligence to establish specific areas of exceptional aptitude. Gardner is referencing you Suzette. When I read your words, I am often brought to tears, because they resonate with me in such a deep manner that is simply too emotional for me not to cry. To go on, I recently came across some deep reading material, of which I would like to share with you. Howard Gardner lists his theory of eight multiple intelligencies, and they are as follows: 1,Intrapersonal, (understanding yourself, what you feel, and what you want), 2, Linguistic, (a matter of spoken and written language), 3, Bodily-Kinesthetic, (using one’s body in highly differentiated and skilled ways), 4, Interpersonal, (communicating and reading people), 5, Logical – Reasoning, (skilled at deductive reasoning, detecting patterns, and logical thinking.) 6, Musical, (capacity to recognize, create, reproduce, and reflect on music) 7, Spatial, (seeing and mapping the world in 3D.) 8, Naturalist, (understanding nature and organic processes.)
Suzette, my daughter-in-spirit, I see in you bits and pieces of every one of Gardner’s points of view. I have known you for many years, and each year I value you even more than I love you, for your deep genius as a friend, your ability to sometimes see the sun on the horizon, when the sky is very dark, who has had to overcome many personal obstacles, and I know many of those mountains that you have had to climb because, on many days and nights, since the first time that I laid my eyes on you coming out of the airport, you would call me seeking nothing more than a shoulder to cry on. From the beginning, I could feel that I had found a friend. Insofar as I did not directly communicate with you on September 19, 2018, your birthday, please see this message as to how valuable you have been to my family, and myself. A belated happy birthday, my daughter-in-spirit.
Bill Pickens
Thanks for today! We all need to be in alignment with it!