This is our B moment. Our moment to be still…to be fed by the Word of God…to be grateful.
Scripture reference: John 11:33 (ESV)
Today, I am thinking about how to comfort the grieving.
Loss on any level can cause grieving, but it is that sudden loss, that tragic loss, that can foster an unbearable sense of pain. This, of course, is in response to the tragic mass shooting in Las Vegas as well as to the sufferings of the survivors of the recent hurricanes who are still dealing with loss on so many levels.
In fact, I’m even dealing with loss personally as I recently had a dear friend lose her mom.
When we see someone grieving, the initial reaction is to extend a sense of comfort to them and to show them that we are there for them.
However, what we have to understand is that sometimes, we just need to show them that we are there with them no matter how they respond. Grieving is a process, and their initial response may be one of anger or one of bewilderment where they question why this is happening to them.
When I turn to the Scriptures, I look at how Jesus comforted Mary as she was grieving the death of her brother, Lazarus. In the story, we see that Jesus was not only there for Mary, but he was there with Mary.
This may mean being tolerant during an angry outburst when you’re trying to comfort someone, or giving them space if they request it, or it may mean meeting them exactly where they are with love and compassion.
As we’re extending comfort to someone, let us cling to these words: “When Jesus saw her weeping…he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled.” John 11:33 (ESV)
Please share this reflection as others desire to be inspired.
So today, don’t just be there for them; be there with them.
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