This is your B moment. Your moment to be still…to be fed by the Word of God…to be grateful.
Scripture reference: Hebrews 4:16 (ESV)
Today I am encouraging you to surrender with a smile.
Recently we wrapped up our series on – Unanswered Prayer. We talked about doing 3 things when it appeared as though our prayer was going unanswered. First, we said that we would trust God in His Silence. Second, we would rejoice even when we saw no proof or sign that our prayer was being answered –and third, we’d move from a state of preoccupation to one of peace by releasing our prayer into God’s Hands.
In the last series we talked what we need to do. In this SERIES, titled “Hold Up, Don’t Fold Up,” – we’re addressing the how.
Typically, if you’re like me, and you’re still awaiting an answer to your prayer. You likely tell yourself something to the effect – “God’s Time, not My Time.” In many instances, we are trying to console and comfort ourselves in the moment. In fact, there have been many times that I’ve uttered that very phrase (God’s Time, not My Time) with tears streaming down my face.
Here’s what I’ve learned since those days. in every instance, not in most… but in every single instance God was working out the entire situation for my good. What felt like waiting in vain now felt like waiting in hope. This deeper understanding inspired me to surrender (to God’s timing) with a smile.
As you think about that, remember these words:
“Let us …approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so we may receive mercy and grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 (ESV)
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So today, smile!
B Moments by Suzette Webb encourage my spirit and speak to exact areas of my life and circumstances. I appreciate the guidance to the holy scripture(s) that are relevant to the topic and provides clarity to daily uncertainties and daily life challenges. May Almighty God Continue to Bless You Suzette and thank you very much for sharing your knowledge through your B Moments!
Hi Patricia,
Thank you so much for taking a moment to send such a thoughtful and inspiring message. Your words inspire me to delve into His Word even more. May God surprise you with His Goodness. Love & Light, Suzette