This is our B moment. Our moment to be still…to be fed by the Word of God…to be grateful.
Scripture reference: Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
Today I am thinking about how we must trust and then act. Think of it like a two-step dance. Trust and act. Trust and act.
Recently we’ve been focusing on those things that prepared Jesus for Calvary. Sometimes God is preparing you for greater, but you can’t see it. You might make snap judgments about a certain situation and want it to be removed from your life when God is actually using that very situation to prepare you for greater.
We also talked about how our spirit might be fully prepared to take the next step, but our flesh isn’t. Jesus teaches us that we overcome weakness by desiring His will more than our own.
Then, there may come a time when you are prepared, and your next move is to give all of you in that moment. I’m sure the woman who poured her expensive perfume over Jesus’ head had been saving it for some time, yet she couldn’t become trapped in the security of saving it. Instead, she had to trust and act.
When the woman gave all of herself in that moment, tuning out Peter’s remarks that she was being wasteful, Jesus responded by saying: “I assure you wherever the good news is preached throughout the world, this woman’s deed will be talked about in her memory.”
What are you prepared to do, but are hesitating about due to the security of inaction? As you reflect on that, let these words inspire you: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid…for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
Please share this reflection as others desire to be inspired.
So today, put on your dancing shoes to trust and act.
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