This is our B moment. Our moment to be still…to be fed by the Word of God…to be grateful.
Scripture reference: Psalms 66:19 (NLT)
Today, I am thinking about how our prayers have already been answered. Recently, I talked about how Abraham sent his servant on a long journey to find a wife for his son Isaac. Abraham took this matter very seriously as he even made the servant take an oath prior to his departure.
The servant, however, feared that he might not be able to fulfill his assignment. He worried that it would be difficult to find the ideal wife who was also willing to travel so far from her homeland to marry Abraham’s son.
The servant set out anyway. One day during his trip, he reached a town very tired and weary. Shortly after resting, he decided to pray. In Genesis 24:12 he prayed – “…help me to accomplish the purpose of my journey.”
Imagine the pressure he felt. It would be similar to the pressure that one would feel if their boss gave them an assignment that their entire department was counting on for them to successfully complete. To release this pressure, the servant began to pray fervently.
The scripture reveals that while he was praying, a woman named Rebekah appeared. Rebekah is the one who provided water for him and his ten camels, and she is also the one who would ultimately become Isaac’s wife.
God answered his prayers while he was praying.
The Words that inspire me are, “But God did listen. He paid attention to my prayers.” Psalms 66:19 (NLT)
Tomorrow, let’s talk about how we might try to assist God. Please share this reflection with others, as they desire to be inspired.
So today, be encouraged that while you’re on your knees, God may have just answered your prayer.